Monday, June 11, 2012

Collin's First 5K Race

Sunday morning, Collin competed in his first 5K race.  For those of you that don't know, 5K is 3.1 miles.  This was a charity event that supports friends of the bike shop.  I ran it with him in the jog stroller last year.  This year, I thought he was old enough to at least try it on his own. 

While we were waiting for the race, he loved listening to Daddy on the microphone making announcements. Collin got to say something in the mic a few times which he thought was great.  One of the times, Daddy asked him if he was excited about the race, and all Collin said was "Yes!"

We lined up for the race towards the back because I knew we would be slower.  Collin did not like this and moved us to the front off to the left.  That's my boy!  When the starting gun went off, Collin took off!  He ran without stopping for at least 10 minutes.  Then, he did stop to walk for a little before running again.  He did this running/walking combo the entire 3.1 miles.  I did have to carry him some of the last mile but he wanted down when we got closer to the finish line.  Throughout the race, there were water stations.  He has seen these before but from the volunteer side and never as a participant.  He knew to grab the water and drink it.  He then saw people pouring it on their head and wanted to do the same.  At first, he did not think he could and then I encouraged him to if he wanted to.  He did it and thought it was funny.  He ran so he could get to the next water stop and do it again.  This time, I got water poured on the front and back of me.

When we got close to the finish line, he took off running.  I saw Daddy off to the side announcing the names of people crossing and saying "go, go, go!"  Collin heard this, looked at me, and then started running faster.

Here we are close to the 5K finish line.  Look at the energy he still has left!

I thought for sure he would be too tired to run in the kid's 300 yard dash but asked if he wanted to do it just in case he did.  He did.  While waiting at the starting line, he looked around at the other kids and copied what they were doing.  Some were stretching and then getting in the "start" position.  He did too.  When the horn sounded, he took off again.  I ran along the grass with him.  He looked over at me a few times, smiled really big and kept running.  He ran the entire dash and did a great job.  He is a little runner so I knew he would enjoy this.  I cannot wait for the next time.

Close to the finish line of the 300 yard Kid's Dash.  He is focused.

Here he is very proud of his "medals" from both of his runs.  These were buttons they gave each finisher.

Can't you tell that he had a great time?  What a smile!

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