Sunday, June 14, 2009

Family Reunion - It's all about the WATER!!!

Collin got to meet most of his 1st and 2nd cousins at my family reunion Saturday. There were 62 people there to hug and kiss on Collin. He did like all of the attention but was mainly focused on the water. There was:

1. water in the dog bowl that he had to splash on people that walked by

2. water in the pool that he wanted in really bad but the bigger kids were in there playing catch

3. water coming out the water hose to fill over 400 water balloons for the fight that was to take place that afternoon between the cousins

4. water from the water cooler that Collin learned to work by watching people use it

5. water down his shirt from drinking out of a water bottle and a paper cup that he filled using the water cooler

6. water coming out of the sink for him to wash his hands....which he wanted to do all day long

I could have used THREE change of clothes at the end of the day. At least I brought one change of clothes and a second pair of shoes or Collin would have been wet and cold on the way home.

Here is Collin is "helping" fill the water balloons. He did not help much because he wanted the water hose all to himself. He was soaked after this mainly because the hose had holes near the nozzle so it was spraying him the entire time he was holding it.

After lunch, some of the kids and even adults got the water guns out and shot each other with them. I did not mind since it helped me cool down on a 103 degree day. Even the little guys got involved. Here is Collin and Evan shooting each other. Collin watched other people use the ice cold water from the ice chest, so he dipped his gun in too and could not figure out why the water would not shoot out of it. He did not realize that they were opening the gun to allowing the water to get in. It was fun watching him try to figure it out.

This caused him to work up an appetite and eat someone else's dessert that was sitting unattended on the table near the edge. Instead of reprimanding him, I let him do it since the owner had abandoned it and....more importantly....there was no way I could get to him in time before he stuck a big piece of cake in his mouth. What was even more funny to me was the icing that he did not lick off his lips. If I had not seen him do it, I would have figured out he at something because he left the evidence on his lips.
It was time for the water balloon fight and Collin wanted to be included really bad. Uncle Paul held him so Collin would not run into the middle of the fight and get run over. He will be old enough next year to join the 6 years and younger fight.
We had a great time. Collin was asleep before we got on the main road.

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