Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Cub Scouts - Webelo Adventures

Even though Collin had to miss the spring campout because of lacrosse and a triathlon, we have been busy with scouts this spring.

Capture the flag tug-of-war
This is a favorite of the scouts in the spring. They have tug-of-war between each then and then compete with the parents. The boys especially love trying their hardest to be the parents. Capture the flag is a little list organized but still a lot of fun. I was excited because Collin was at least worn out at the end of the event. 

here are all of the boys on one side of the rope

Den Meetings
Collin always looks forward to the monthly den meetings because it’s a chance to hang out with his friends and work on the selected badge activities.  Are usually attend so I can help out the den leader and it’s another chance to hang out with Collin. Here, the boys worked on memorizing the Scout Law and scout responsibilities.  At the end, they were treated with ice cream because their den won for the best table arrangement during the Blue and Gold banquet the month before. I failed to mention that this was also about 8 PM so feeding the boys some sugar and then loading them in the car to go home was a blast for parents. 😦

One of the fun activities I really enjoyed was the nature walk. The boys were supposed to walk about 3 miles while checking out what they saw along the path for the hour and a half it took us to hike those 3 miles. Most of the energy was use to make sure the boys stayed together and didn’t touch any of the plants that looked like poison ivy. That would not have been fun. 😦. 

Crossover Ceremony
Just last week, the scouts gathered for the crossover ceremony. Each den has their scouts cross over a bridge one by one to then get painted by the oldest scouts before receiving badges or pins by their den leader. You can tell chi boys are compared to the ones that are not as they cross over the bridge because some perform and engage the audience as they walk across. Collin dabbed as he went across the bridge because that’s thing to do these days. We have another six months of Webelos before his group graduates to Boy Scouts. 

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