Sunday, October 16, 2016

Irish Lose - Again

The Irish lost 0-46 to the #1 team in the freshman league.  We knew it would be a tough game but the boys worked hard.  Collin did have some great blocks but did not seem to run has hard or fast as he has in prior games.  There were two times he was inches from tackling the other guy before he made a goal...but he just could not get there.  Collin was not too bummed after the game knowing they lost.  He was hot and sweaty from the noon game in the heat....and was ready to eat lunch.

The weather was great for me to take some really good action shots.  Here are some really good ones....

Waiting for the other team to line up
Great blocking
Headed toward the guy with the ball
Headed to help a team mate get the tackle
Lining up for a play
Waiting for the other team to get started
He almost had the ball here
Running after the guy with the ball
Headed toward the guy with the ball
Getting pulled from behind which is a no-no
Headed toward the ball
Great blocking here....
.....and here.  Coach said he is so much more aggressive and doing great.
We will try again next Saturday.  Go Irish!

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