Monday, August 22, 2016

1st Day of 3rd Grade

Before writing this post, I checked out what I wrote the last time and had to laugh.  Even though a year has gone by, the 1st day of school today was just like last year:  Collin was indifferent about going back to school so much so that he forgot it was today, it was so humid out, I had to clean off the camera lens frequently because of the fog and we took our traditional 1st day picture by the tree so we could compare how he was growing.  Similar to last year, we did not need to buy new clothes or a backpack because his clothes and shoes fit well and were still in really good shape.  His backpack and lunch box were holding up great.  He used them for 1st and 2nd grade...and he was fine to use these again this year.  Yeah! Here is the post from last year.

He woke up around 7am.  We needed to get out the door by 7:40am to take a few pictures before he rode his bike to school.  I made cinnamon rolls using the waffle iron and he announced he was not hungry.  He only drank some milk and wanted to watch some TV before getting dressed.  He got dressed, brushed his teeth and was ready to go to school.

After taking our traditional pictures, he wanted to use the selfie stick he got this past weekend to take a picture.  It turned out great. 

He and Dad then got on their bikes to ride to school.  Dad was not going to ride with him but I guess he changed his mind at the last minute.  Fine with me because he got to walk Collin to class and get another picture with Ms Kohl.
The boys are on their bikes and ready to go
He rode by so fast that he was just a blurr
Collin and Ms Kohl
He came home and said the day felt short and did not give us more details about his day.  He also said he knows how to read and does not understand why he needs to learn more.  I can tell it's going to be another fun year at the Holmes house.

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