Monday, February 1, 2016

What a Weekend!

We had a great weekend!  Saturday morning, I ran my first trail run with my racing buddies. We signed up for the 10 mile race. I was not sure how I was going to do because 1) of my sprained ankle from Sunday and 2) I had not ran more than 4 miles at a time since the half marathon I ran the first week of December.  My ankle is feeling great so I was hoping for a good experience. We could not have asked for better weather. The course was relatively flat but did have a lot of tree roots that we had to watch out for. Plus, the trails were still muddy from recent rains. I felt great until about 8 miles when I started getting tired and stumbling over the tree roots.  I did make it the 10 miles and was really glad to see the finish line. I did not place but I am hooked and cannot wait to run another trail race.
The 3 Musketeers Racing again
Still smiles after the race

One of many brides we ran across during the race
Swimming to the finish line
Glad I saw this sign after the race
I was dropped off in time to see Collin's basketball game. As with the other games, this one was really close. Collin played well so much so that the other player on his team could score several times (he was "taking the picks"...whatever that means).  Their team ended up winning by three points!  Collin and another player were called out after the game by the coach because of how well they played. Collin has been waiting for this when the coach would be happy with him.....and because that also meant the coach would give him Skittles.

We had about an hour after the game before we had to go to soccer practice for over an hour. After soccer practice, we picked up dad and headed to the arena downtown to see the Harlem Globetrotters.  We had the best seats in the house right on the side of the court and right in the middle. Collin was really concerned about being pulled out onto the court by one of the players so he held onto my arm most of the night. I loved that!  I had seen the Harlem Globetrotters on TV as a kid and knew what to expect but he did not.  They sure did put on a great show. After the performance, Collin walked around to all of the players and got his basketball signed.  He pushed his way through the crowd and figured out if he crawled under the people waiting, he could get to the front fast.  That helped us get through all of the players signatures within 15 minutes.  Way to go Collin!

Getting a hug from Hi-Lite
Waiting for a autograph from Hammer.  This was before he figured out how to get through the crowd fast without having to wait long.
Globie saying Hi to us.
The next day, all of us relaxed at home and enjoyed the great weather until Collin and I were headed out the door again.  The first stop was to meet with his Odyssey group to work on their project. The team decided he was going to be one of the drivers of the "ship" because he is on the smaller and lighter side.  They finished building the "ship" and took it for a test ride to see if it worked as they thought.  At first, the drivers could not get it to move until they figured out they were pushing up a slight incline.  Then, they were moving along.  There is still more work to do and the team needs to practice the skit before the presentation in about 6 weeks.  They are doing great.  I really like listening and watching them put there creative ideas together.
In the backseat testing out the Styrofoam seat
The driver is getting his seat ready
Collin and Mathew checking out the rocket boosters on the back of the ship
Using crutches to move the ship along
Collin had to leave his Odyssey team early to head to basketball practice.  I knew he would not want to leave early so I let him know ahead of time what our plan was. The Odyssey meeting was moved back an hour which cut into the basketball practice by 30 minutes.  I was not planning to be at practice on time but did not want him to be too late.  He was not happy about having to leave and gave some great arguments about why it was too early and that he could not let his team down.  I recognized him using my words from previous times when he did not want to leave the house for various reasons.  The kid is getting to smart.

Overlaying all of this was friends in town for the weekend.  We did have dinner out Friday night but skipped Saturday because of the Globetrotters.  Breakfast on Sunday was nice before the left to head back home.  

Phew.....ready to sit it my office chair at work all week before we head into another very busy weekend.

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