Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sixers' Season is Over

The Sixers played their first tournament game in the Gold bracket this morning.  Mimi came out to watch the game which Collin was happy about.

During the first quarter, I did not recognize the Sixers playing because they were making shots too far away from the net and missing all of them.  So unlike any of the games they had played before.  They were not listening to the Coach's instructions and continued to play the way they thought they needed to so they could win.  After the first quarter, ii was 3 to 22.  Yikes!  The Sixers were really behind.  I thought that maybe the next Sixers squad played which included Collin, I was hopeful they could catch up.  While they did score more, the other team was still ahead.  Not until the 3rd quarter did the boys start playing together as a team.  By then, it was too late.  The other team was too far ahead. They could not recover.

After the game, the Coaches were not hard on the boys.  Instead, they said how proud they were of how they played this season.  While they did play a good game, the other team was consistent with their shots at the net so they won the game.  He ended his comments stating each of the boys improved and he would pick every single one of the boys to play on his team again.  There were some tears but that was expected.

Great season Sixers.  Thanks for those close games and keeping your parents on the edge of their seats at times.

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