Thursday, February 18, 2016

Dentist Visit

Collin went to the dentist this week.  He still really likes this dentist which makes the trip that much easier.  Dad took him because I was still at work.  Here is what the dentist said:

  • His teeth are growing in as expected.  The two on the bottom that have not come in yet are growing in towards the middle but he thinks these with straighten out when then come in.
  • He had more plaque on his front and very back teeth.  The dentist thinks this is because he snores which keeps his mouth dry and allows for the plaque to build up.  We need to work more on these areas because these could be problem areas later.
  • No cavities!
  • He is doing really good with his flossing.

Overall, he had a great report.

He did get X-Rays this time.  I thought it was interesting to see the progress of the permanent teeth that have not come in yet.  Looks like he has 3 coming in on the bottom towards the front on both sides, his molars in the back on the top and bottom and his incisors and some molars on the top are coming in too.  He does have some slightly loose teeth and this picture sure does show why and were.

Here he is getting his teeth cleaned and taking the X ray.  X-rays have really improved from when I was a kid.  So much easier and less invasive now.

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