Monday, October 12, 2015


Collin really likes to draw in class when they have free time most days.  He still draws barns with the barn doors and horses peeking out of a window. I am still not sure what the fascination is with barns and horses. He cannot explain it either.

So, I was really excited to see a new animal Friday when he showed me the following drawing:

It's an Owl!  He said he did not get to finish outlining the owl and coloring it.  I thought it looked great and knew immediately what it was when he showed it to me.  He was really proud that I could tell what the drawing was.  I especially liked the details on the wings and the feathers on the owl's head.  He did not know why he drew an owl though.

Saturday, we went to a friend's house that had a lot of their kid's paintings and drawings hung up around the house.  Collin wants to do this with some of his paintings.  I said I have a lot in my office which he forgot about. He wants more hung all over the house.  We made an agreement to wait after his art class session is over sometime at the end of the year, then look through all of his artwork so far and pick our favorites to hang up.  He must be excited about this because he asked when we would do this several times that day.

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