Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Gotta Have a Plan

Sunday after picking up Collin from a sleepover at a friend's house, we came home.  I mentioned we had about 2 hours before he had to leave for a birthday party.  What did he want to do for those 2 hours?  I suggested that we needed to be outside for some of the day because it was a gorgeous day.  I was getting a snack in the kitchen when Collin said he needed a pencil and paper.  I was not sure what he was doing but found out soon enough when he walked up and handed me this piece of paper:

Looks like he was working out a plan for us for the next two hours....with this itinerary.  Notice the time alloted for the first two items on the list.  He later borrowed some time from Play with Burke because he was still resting and playing a game on the iPad.  At the end of the two hours, he and I did accomplish everything on the list with 10 minutes to spare.  I don't know if he has seen my lists or not or what made him think of making a list.  I do know that I really enjoyed the two hours with him because we were spending time together and we were spending it the way he wanted to in a variety of ways.

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