Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sick Dude

Collin rarely gets sick.  So, when he falls asleep at 5pm for the day and does not want to watch movies, there is something wrong with my little guy. It started Monday night with a dry cough. It was the kind of cough that was not just clearing his throat. He was not tired and had plenty of energy.  The next day, he stayed home from camp because of a tropical storm headed to the city. He seemed fine that day and plenty of energy but the cough lingered. The next afternoon, he fell asleep in the car on the way home from soccer camp and wanted to go to bed when he got home. What?!?  That's not Collin at all. He was warm now and probably had a slight fever. He woke up the next morning and did not want to go to soccer camp.  He did have a fever and a cough was more deep. We kept him home and made him rest all day giving him fever medicine every four hours to keep the fever away. He seemed to be better that night. However, the next morning was more of the same so he stayed home again. This time, his fever got worse and reached 103. He also had the chills and was really lethargic.  These were probably symptoms from the high fever but we did not want to take any chances so we made an appointment with his doctor and saw her within the hour.
At the doctor's office waiting to see her

His fever was down to around 101.  She listened and listened to his chest and could not hear any blockage.  However, she was still concerned and wanted us to get an X-Ray of his chest.  She gave him some Ibuprofen and we left to get an X-Ray at another office location,

Collin was really worried about the X-Ray and if it would hurt.  It did not help that the X-Ray place was at the children's hospital.  This guy has been to so many hospitals lately for his family members and the results were death.  So, I could understand his concern and hurting and having to stay the night.

When it was time to walk down the hall to the X-Ray room, Collin was feeling better about what was about to happen. He let the technician put on the lead vest and then he listened to the instructions without asking too many questions.  Two pictures were taken and he was finished. 

He said it did not hurt except when he was hugging the machine and it was COLD!  He was also feeling better by now.  The Ibruprophen was kicking in. 

Before we got home, the doctor called with the X-Ray results saying his chest was clear.  Yeah!  No bronchitis or pneumonia.  We were to keep giving him fever medicine every 4 hours, fluids and rest.  Collin was better the rest of the day but did still have slight fever and not as much energy.  Home again another day...but should be feeling better soon.

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