Thursday, June 25, 2015

Camp = Same Shirt and Other Observations

Study this picture from camp that was posted from yesterday for a moment.  It says a lot more than just a teenage boy (camp counselor) talking to a younger boy.  What I see when looking at this picture is:
  • Collin is still in the shirt he put on Monday.  Either that, or he likes wearing it after swimming.
  • Does he not like the new towel Dad bought him for camp?  It's turned over so you cannot see the Super Heroes on the other side
  • He is wearing a different bathing suit than the other day
    • Is the other one wet or lost? 
    • Was he made fun of for wearing a swim team bathing suit?
  • What is up with The Dude's hair?  Are those dreadlocks?
  • At least he has not lost his favorite pair of Nike shoes....yet
  • Good to see that he is drinking water
  • The counselor is smiling so the conversation is probably positive
  • He does not seem to be crying or be upset and does want to be part of the conversation
  • I looks like he might be using the sunscreen I packed because his cheeks are not burnt
  • He's alive....and safe!
Just two more nights until I see my baby.  I can do this, I can do this!

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