Sunday, March 1, 2015

Collin and His Aunt

Collin sure has a great time with his crazy Aunt Nancy.  She was here recently for a visit.  One evening, she came over after Collin came home from school.  He had a great time with her.  That weekend, we went out of town to finish delivering some boxes and Grandma H's car to family.  We made a fun weekend out of it at Great Wolf Lodge (see previous post).  I asked Nancy to help me capture all of the fun things she and Collin did and here is what she wrote: 

We played word games. I said a word, and Collin would say another rhyming word, real fast, usually starting with a “P” or a “J.” His fast brain amazed me! We did this in the car on the way to Collin’s square dancing at school, and even on the telephone another day when Collin called Mimi while she and I were at the ranch for our uncle’s milestone birthday.
 Bedtime at Collin’s house…Collin asked me to read a book about the 12 Days of Texas and a book about a Cat named Splat. He “read” the Texas book to me by singing it to the tune of the well-known song, “On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…”
Then Collin wanted me to read the cat book. Halfway through reading the book about the cat, Collin asked me to read each sentence backwards on every page. He especially loved the sentences that ended in “But.” I don’t have the book with me, but something along the lines of a sentence that said in the book,“But Splat the Cat went out” which translated to “Out went Cat the Splat But.”
Next Collin asked for me to say sentences from the Bible. One sentence was, “Me loves Jesus,” and Collin said, “Jesus loves me.”
Then Momma Laura came into the bedroom and played the “Hey Collin” CD of nursery rhymes. A talented friend made the music CD for Collin when he was real little. We sang “Three Blind Mice.” When it came time to sing about the farmer’s wife cutting off the tails of the mice with a carving knife, I stopped and mentioned how violent that was and said that I could not sleep because of those poor mice being treated that way, the key word being “carving knife.” Collin started laughing, and he had to get up and put the CD back on that song a couple of times.
Before Collin fell asleep, Momma pranced through the room imitating the CD singer by saying/singing, “Hey, Collin…”
Wish I had recorded all the funny and intelligent words Collin said. Next time I’ll tell Collin, “You love I” for him to repeat backwards, “I love you.”
I think Collin had a good time with his Aunt.  I know because look at the letter he wrote her:


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