Tuesday, February 17, 2015

So Much To Talk About....

Yes, I am still here even though it's been so long since I have posted.  Work has been really overwhelming.  The last thing I want to do when I get home is to get back on the computer and update the blog.  This does not mean we have been bored. 

Some of the things worth reporting that Collin has said or done in the last few weeks:

  • For Valentine's Day at school, we made Rice Crispy treats to include in bags with hearts on them. He did a great job stirring the melting marshmallows.  He wanted to stir this into the cereal but I needed to do it because we had to work quick before it dried.  He then took all of the cards and addressed them to the 23 kids in his class.  What Dad and I did not know was that he put to aside for us and addressed them when we were not looking.  He also asked Dad if they could get something for me for Valentine's Day.  They went to Chicco's and surprised me with a new necklace.  I was surprised mainly because we don't celebrate Valentine's Day at our house so I was not expecting a gift that morning.  Collin happily brought me the box and told me that he loved me. 

  • I ran my first half marathon in 8 years this past Sunday.  While I was running, the boys went to the grocery store.  Collin picked out a bouquet of flowers which he presented to me when I can home.  So thoughtful!  Seeing Collin run out of the hallway with the flowers in his arms put a smile on my face. 

  • After reading books one night, he asked if I had been married before.  Oh....wow....where did this come from.  I told him that I was married before Dad.  He then asked if I had other kids and I told him I did not and neither did Dad.  He then said that Dad was my best husband because he was really rich.  I asked why he thought Dad was rich and he said because Dad owns our house.  I made sure he knew that I worked and made money also which helped pay for the house.  He ignored all of this and said that Dad was more rich than me.  I'll will have to save that argument for another day.

  • Dad was watching a movie while I was putting Collin to bed.  As he usually does, Collin got back out of bed to give us a hug.  At that moment in the movie, he saw two adults in bed together.  There were covers over them thank goodness!  Collin saw it and asked what they were doing.  Dad said, "They are playing in the bed".  Think that satisfied Collin's curiosity?  Nope, he then asked, "Do you and Mom do that?"  I don't even remember how Dad responded because I was laughing so hard.

Collin and I have both been to the dentist for our bi-annual cleaning.  Dad took Collin to his appointment because I was still at the office.  The dentist said that we need to do better flossing his teeth.  He also needs to brush more which I was not surprised by.  I have been struggling with him to brush more and all over other than his tongue or one side.  He also has a lose tooth on the bottom which we need to work with.

My dental appointment was the usual until the oral cancer screening.  At that point, the dentist called the other dentist over to look at a few spots in my mouth.  Ultimately, she recommended that I have a specialized dentist look at these areas to determine if these really are cancer.  I did have to wait and worry for 6 days until I went to the follow up appointment.  The dentist said that he was 99.999% certain that these spots were not cancer.  The lab results will not be back for 3-4 days but Dad and I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that these spots were nothing to worry about.  This were likely as a result of my mouth being more dry than usual.  This was because I was using a new mouth wash that was drying my mouth out.  I will not be using that again.  Let the healing begin.  We are still watching some elevated levels from the last two blood work results but I should be able to sleep better at least until the next time I have blood work done. 

Until next time. I really will try to post more often.

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