Monday, November 3, 2014

Teeth #4 and #5 - Gone!!!

During a break at school today, Collin's Pre-K teacher's aide, Ms Barnes, pulled one of Collin's front teeth. She was going to try today because she asked for him to come see her. It happened fast and at least one tooth was gone. He went again later, and she pulled the other tooth. One of his friends, Brody, went with him. Brody told Collin that Ms Barnes pulled at least two of his teeth.  Collin does not like being left out so I am sure hearing this encouraged him even more to go see her.

When he came home, he called me to ask where the tooth fairy pillow was and the book. He wanted the book to remember the rules for putting the teeth out for the fairy. He said he remembered one of them, "wash the blood off the teeth."  Figures he would remember that one!

Wonder how much money the fairy will leave tonight?

Excited about the tooth fairy coming tonight

See them?  His permanent teeth already coming in

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