Friday, January 6, 2012

Carrots before bed?

You have read multiple times that Collin is great at coming up with ways to delay having to go to bed.  He has mentioned before that he is still hungry when I announce that it's bath time.  I generally do not let him eat again but maybe let him get a drink.  One time he mentioned he was hungry, I thought I would catch him and said, "OK, if you are hungry, you can have some carrots" knowing that he did not care too much for carrots.  He surprised me by saying that was fine with him and proceeded to eat at least four carrots.  Hey, it's a way to get him to eat carrots.  However, now when he says he is hungry and I don't offer the carrots, he asks for them.  I know he does not like the carrots because he makes a face while eating them.  This proves the kid will do anything to not have to take a bath and get ready for bed.  What will he think of next?

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