Monday, October 1, 2007

Doing Great!

Sorry for not posting the past few days...Internet issues. We are back online and I am happy to report that Collin is doing really well. He is about 9lbs now (I did not get a chance to weigh him today) and he is eating at least 2 ounces or more from me when he nurses. This is an improvement from .5 ounces just 2 weeks ago. It must have been the thrush that bothered him and the insides of his mouth for him to not eat as well. He is SO much happier now that he is getting enough to eat.

He still does not like "tummy time" but we try to do it at least every other day so he can build strong neck muscles. He is able to hold his head up for a long period of time when I put him on my chest to burp him. His smiles are great! I am really enjoying them...especially the dimple.

1 comment:

Shirrell said...

Doing Great Moma keep the picture and blog coming....I enjoy....Shirrell Matthews Grama