Sunday, October 7, 2007


Last night, Collin attended his first wedding. He, of course, was a hit besides the beautiful bride, my sister. He wore a snazzy outfit friends of ours gave him and got so many compliments on it. He slept through the wedding ceremony in Chris' arms and was really well behaved at the reception. He got to "met" several of his cousins, his other great grandma, and....his other grandfather. Yes, for those of you that know of the relationship with my dad, I walked up to him last night and asked if he wanted to meet his grandson. He did (who could not resist Collin) and he held him for at least 20 minutes. If it were not for the music playing in the background, I am sure you would have been able to hear a pin drop since it felt like all eyes were on us.

Despite being overstimulated at the wedding last night, Collin did really well early this morning. He got up at 2:30am and then not again until 6:45am. He is still hungry every 2 hours so I don't think we are through his growth spurt just yet. I have not weighed him this morning, but he weighed 9 lbs and 7 oz yesterday when I weighed him after his bath.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Sounds like you are all doing great! I'm glad he did so well at the wedding and is still eating so much! Hopefully you'll be done with the pumping soon...