Sunday, April 3, 2016

Baseball - Game #3

Collin is doing fantastic as pitcher for the Cardinals.  He does not pitch the ball to the other team but he does otherwise play that position.  The first play was hit stopping a pop up hit right to him and he threw it to 1st base.  The runner would have been out but the 1st baseman dropped the ball.

Baseball ready at the pitcher's mound
Throwing to 1st
Ready for the ball

He got on base each time he hit.  All of his hits we past the baseline but not quite to the outfielders. Not a bad spot because the outfielders have to run toward the ball which dropped short and they had to throw it in.

Great swing!
Following through the ball
Nice "squishing the bug" with his back foot

He ran the bases great and made at least one run for the team.
Headed to 1st
Great stride heading to 1st
Rounding 2nd to 3rd
Waiting at 3rd to head home
They did end up losing 12-14 but played so much better as a team than the games before.

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