Sunday, November 8, 2015

First Cub Scout Camping Trip

Collin and I went on our first camping trip this weekend.  He was SO excited that the weekend was finally here.  He had been talking about it since before we had our practice night in the tent in the backyard.

I was watching the weather all week because it looked terrible for tent camping.  Rain chances were 60% most of the day with 15 - 20mph winds.  We could go for the day and not spend the night.  I knew he would be disappointed when it was time to leave but we would miss all of the mess....well, and memories that he would have for a lifetime.  The weather still looked bad but was a little better Friday so we packed up the truck and planned to spend the night but I knew we would leave if it got too bad.

Saturday morning, Collin got up before 7am and woke me up to tell me it was time to go camping.  I am glad he was still excited about going because it was going to be a wet one.  We arrived around 8:45am, picked out spot and started to set up camp.  He was a really good helper with the outdoor rug and tent.  He helped unload the truck and set up our sleeping bags, clothes and games inside the tent.

Our first animal near our tent
While I set up the rest of the campsite, he road his bike around the big loop several times looking for other Scouts he knew.  No one from his Den was there yet.  He ended up riding for close to 3 hours.  He only stopped because I made him have a snack/lunch knowing we were going to the Nature Center as a Pack to look around and hike as a group.  So far, the rain had stayed away and the weather was great to be outdoors.

While walking to the Nature Center, it started to drizzle a little.  We still hiked around the area looking for things on the map.  They had to find posts labeled with letters or numbers.  We had to stop for the boys to climb one of many trees.  There are some big ones out there.

"Look mom!  Take a picture"
What a great looking, very old tree

Love this smile. I know he is having a great time.

Collin and Max

Halfway through the planned hike, the sky opened up and started to dump on us.  I could barely see in front of me.  We all made it back to the Nature Center.  Collin loved looking around in there at the animals and especially liked the snakes.
Check out how wet all of the boys are.  That did not phase them.

We waited out the rain for about an hour.  It had lighten up just a little but the boys were getting really loud and rambunctious inside.  Several of us decided to go for a hike anyway which turned out to be a good idea.  The boys were focused again and looking for animals along the way.  I did not take too many pictures because it was really coming down but I managed to get this one of the boys looking for ducks.
Collin is in the center looking at the duck trying to hide in the grass in the middle of the lake

We finished a small .8 mile loop around the lake.  It was still pouring so Collin road his bike back to the campsite while I walked back.  Good thing we did, because it continued to rain for another 2 hours.  Great time for a nap.  He passed out for over an hour.  I laid there most of the time and then got up to use the dryer in the ladies restroom to dry off some clothes for him.

It did finally stop raining enough for the boys to play. He road his bike or shared it with is fellow Scouts for another 1 1/2 hours before it was time for dinner.  We then had to get ready in uniform to head to the campfire for stories and skits.  By this time, Mimi and Pappy arrived with a requested cheeseburger for Collin and some great fried shrimp for me.  We were so happy they were nearby or we would have had to eat snacks again for dinner (long story but the people that were supposed to bring food and lighter fluid...didn't).  We did not have time to eat because we needed to head to the campfire.  Guess what?  It started to drizzle...and continued to until after we went to bed 3 hours later.

After a scary story by the Pack Leader, each Den performed their skit.  Collin's Den was not prepared (no shock after having no food or way to light a fire) so they did not do well at all during their skit time.  The rest of the boys "boo'd" them which was not really nice.

Collin's Den is at the top of the picture

After eating some much needed dinner (by this time, Collin was too picky about his cold fries and the way his hamburger bun smelled), Collin's Den played hide-n-seek in the mud and dark for 1 1/2 hours until the parents were ready for bed.  I dried Collin off, got him in dry clothes and laid down.  I had just gotten dry and comfortable myself when he requested snuggle time.  Well, of course!  That might be nice especially after a long, rainy, muddy, adventurous day.

The next morning, he was up before 7am because we could hear other people getting up.  We had a snack breakfast and then he wanted to ride his bike.  I loved how much fun and independent he was with his bike.  While he rode, I cleaned up the campsite.  We were not in a hurry but I wanted to be ready to go.  The weather was a cool, crisp 58 degrees and really nice out.  The terrible rain the day before was gone.  I would have loved reading my book while Collin rode but it got soaked from the first downpour because the pop up tent was brought leaked out of every hole.  Awesome!  I, instead, took a walk to were Collin was to watch him ride through the water and wipe out a few times.  He was in his last set of dry clothes and now soaked.....but he was having so much fun....and it was really already too late to stop him.

After the rest of the Den got cleaned up, we left the campsite to hike and find alligators.  We hiked around for over an hour and found two alligators, a slug, ducks and bugs.  The boys looked for walking sticks to help them hike.  We just wanted them to stay out of the mud that looked so enticing. Collin found three more trees to climb.

"No gators here"

Collin, in his borrowed clothes, and Broady

"Where are the alligators!"

"I see you"

I guess there is butt picking time on trees too
It was 11am by the time we finished.  I was glad we were packed and ready to head back home.  It was a little challenging to get my Scout to head back to the car with me but we finally made it.  Turns out, he needed a snack.  I could not wait for a shower and a good meal.  Dad was SO happy to see us when we got home.

Collin asked when we were going camping again.......Let me dry off first, son.  :)

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