Sunday, January 11, 2015

Report Card

Collin improved in every category on his recent report card.  He improved most in Spelling which we have worked really hard on.  He now even gets the bonus word correctly which is a word they have not practice in class.  The teacher said on his report:

Collin is a great student.  He's made excellent improvements in all areas, especially reading and writing.  Way to go Collin!

Here is is report card which does compare his scores from the last report.

We have not celebrated before but thought that he had improved so much and is still really good about working on his homework, that he and I got ice cream.  Dad did not join us only because he thought we were nuts for wanting ice cream on a 37 degree day. Nuts, yes, but it was still really good ice cream and fun hanging out with the Dude.

He was so happy to be eating ice cream - chocolate with gummy bears.  He favorite these days.

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