Thursday, January 31, 2013

Collin and His "Friends"

Collin still LOVES his stuffed animals.  Some nights, he wants the core gang with him and some nights, they ALL need to be in bed with him.  The major players, Monkey, Puppy, Whale, and Elmo, are usually in another room because he takes these around with him especially to the couch in the mornings after breakfast.  I think he also does this to delay getting in bed because we have to find all of these guys and put them on the bed before he will lay down.

Last night, he found the stash of Christmas hats I had hidden behind a door in my room.  I had not taken these back to the house because I cannot get into the spare room where the Christmas stuff is. So rather than pile more stuff in a room in the house, I kept them at the apartment.  Well, Collin found these hats and wore my sparkle one to the dinner table and then to the couch and whatever else he did before going to bed.  I never said anything to him because I was fine with it. 

When it was time for bed, the look on his face after gathering this favorite animals around him and then laid down was priceless.  He must have thought he was either getting away with something or that he was going to get in trouble.  Either way, the smirk was hilarious.  I did not play his game and continued to read a book and then tuck him him. It was killing him that I did not say anything.  Finally, I did say, "I see the hat on your head.  I don't mind if you wear it.  I just hope you are not sweaty in it later tonight when you get hot in it".  He smiled and turned on his side to get ready to fall asleep.

Later when Daddy and I peeked in on him before going to bed, this is what we saw:

The hat was still on his head and Monkey and Little Jimmy (the giraffe) were on each side of him.  I also saw Puppy, Elmo, Clifford and all of his other friends by his side.  He was snuggled, snoring and looked too cute.  Like the hand up above his head?  He does this a lot too.  Wonder what questions he has?

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