Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Easter celebrations

I love our neighborhood! For Easter, we had our 5th annual Easter egg hunt on our cul-de-sac. We shut down the street so the kids could be safe hunting for Easter eggs in the front yard of four of the six homes. For the older kids, they search for the large golden eggs that had money inside. The younger kids were excited to pick up all the eggs off the ground that were fairly easy to find. 

After the hunt was over, each kid got to select a basket full of goodies. Then, all of us enjoyed hamburgers, hotdogs, sides and desserts. We all hung out in the front yard until way after dark getting to know some of our new neighbors. Call and had a great time hanging out with the kids, riding his bike up and down the street, and jumping on the trampoline in how are neighbor’s backyard. 

The next day, my family came over for a homemade spaghetti lunch, Easter egg hunt and a long visit. Collin loves playing with his cousins so he was really sad to see them go and wanted to go to their house to play more or to spend the night. He kept forgetting that it was a school night and continue to ask until well after all the family left. 

Here are some pictures of us playing outside including uncle Paul riding one of Collin’s bikes. We all thought it was hilarious watching him ride the bike especially with Tyson upfront. 

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