Monday, April 3, 2017

Sleepover Shenanigans

Collin enjoys having friends come over to play at his house but he especially love it when he has a friend spend the night.  We know every weekend, he is going to ask if "so-and-so" can spend the night going down his list even if we say "no".  He was excited when we said that his friend, Jake, could spend the night Friday night.  Jake is a really good kid and he and Collin get along really well. 

The boys played for about 1 1/2 hours before we all started to get hungry.  Collin wanted pizza, Jake did not, Chris wanted a shake and I did not have a preference other than not a hamburger place.  Jake had the great idea of writing a few places down on paper, folding the paper and then drawing from the pile.  Sweet Tomatoes won which was Jake's suggestion.  We had not been there in YEARS so we thought this was a good idea and piled into the car.  On the way, we could hear Jake telling Collin the strategy about eating there.  "You can go back and get food as many times as you want."  I heard this and thought that Collin does not tend to eat too much so I assumed he would get 2 plates of food, maybe 3 plates at most.  When we finally got there, Collin's eyes widen with excitement looking at all of the food choices. We made him get a little from the salad bar before turning him loose in the hot section which is where he could find the pizza.  He and Jake loaded their plates and began eating when they sat down.  I was barely halfway through my plate of food when the boys were ready for seconds....and off they went.  It continued like this until Collin ate 4 plates of food and Jake had 5 - 6 plates.  Those boys were hungry!  Not only was the food really good, the idea of the boys getting to eat what they want and how much was really appealing.

Once we got home, Jake asked if we had washable markers.  I said we did and told him where he could find them....and then did not think any more of it.  Then, they asked for tape. I asked what it was for and they said they wanted to build a fort in Collin's room.  I gave them some blue painter's tape thinking this would be easy for them to cut and then also easy for me to remove....always thinking ahead.  I did not think though that they would use the ENTIRE roll of tape...which they did.  They used 4 blankets and taped them on Collin's bed, wall and armoire to create a little sleeping den at the end of his bed.  No, sorry, I did not take pictures.  They then wanted m to crawl in there with them to read a book to them before they went to bed.  Collin selected the joke book which was fun to read.  I left after about 20 minutes.  The boys stayed awake for over an hour before finally passing out around midnight.

Around 6:30am, I heard their voices and knew they were getting up.  I just assumed they would go into the other room and either watch some TV or play on the computer.  I listened a little more and could hear them coming in our room (ahem!  No one wakes up mamma on the weekend!).  I felt a little tap on my back, some giggling and then could hear them run off.  They came back one more time but nothing happened.  Well, something did happen but not to me.  The boys did find and use the washable markers to mark each other up during the night while the other one slept.  What I felt on my back was one of them trying to mark on me but they got my shirt instead.  They were so proud of what they did to each other....and we thought it was funny too.

After breakfast, the boys played outside because we knew it was supposed to rain most of the day.  We wanted them to get outside while the weather was nice.  They played in the bird sanctuary across the street and rode their bikes coming back sweaty, stinky, muddy and wet.  Perfect!  That means they probably had a good time.  Later after baseball practice, Collin showed me where they went the in the bird sanctuary and what they did.  They found a spot where they could cross the creek water to the other side (from the bird sanctuary to the neighborhood side) so they could play on someone's trampoline.  No, the did not get permission.  The people were not home at the time and probably have no idea the boys did this.  They really should have a fence around the trampoline but probably thought it was not necessary because their yard backs up to the creek.

I have a video I will post when I can cut it short enough to do so.

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