Saturday, December 3, 2016


Halloween this year was a more low key than usual for us which I really needed.  Dad did decorate the front yard but not as detailed as in the prior years.  He did buy two new werewolves that were on a senor.  Whenever someone got close to the front yard, the wolves would pop up from behind a tombstone.  This did scare a lot of trick-or-treaters away (more later).

I am grateful that Collin does not really care what he wears for Halloween.  He has been this way since the first time he went trick-or-treating.  I like this because we don't have to spend too much time (or $$) getting his costume ready.  This year was no exception.  He went as an Irish football player....with some added blood on his face.  Perfect!  He loved wearing his uniform AND we did not have to buy anything.  I went as a SAND witch (sandwich) which Collin picked out for me to wear.  I thought it was clever and really funny.  Dad went as a scary mime.
Front yard photo:  Dad, Savy, Clayton, Collin and Mommy

Family photo from the neighborhood parade
It was mine turn this year to stay at the house passing out the candy while Dad and Collin went trick-or-treating.  They lasted for 2 hours going from door to door.  I knew Collin was having fun because he usually quick way earlier than that.  Dad did not take pictures so I don't have any to share.  I had a blast answering the door, looking at the costumes and passing out the candy.  Because of the werewolves out front, I counted at least 6 sets of kids that ran away from the door and never came back.  Plus, we have the Ring doorbell which allowed Dad to answer from his phone and make scary noises through the doorbell.  This confused and even amused the kids.  They wanted to know how we were doing that.  I think Dad had more fun than the kids...oh, he really is a kid himself which I love about him.


This is what I looked like answering the door

When Collin got home, he poured out his candy from a pillow case (great idea because he could carry A LOT of candy!) and separated out the candy into piles - his, mine and Dad's (chocolate pile) and one to give away to the local community center.  He mainly kept the Skittles and Starbursts.  I found out that he likes Tootsie Rolls....yuck!

Collin's candy stash

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