Monday, December 5, 2016

Christmas Decorations at the Holmes House

In addition the Collin's tree in his room, we have a Christmas tree in the dinning room.  We have had it in the office before but there is more room in its current location.  Because we do not have a fireplace, stockings are hung at the entrance of the staircase which includes garland wrapped around the hand rail.  Garland is also hung on the entrance to the dining room and foyer (both sides).  Collin insisted on the Snowman that counts down Christmas. I also pulled out a few Christmas pillows.  Otherwise, I did not decorate the dinning room table, foyer table, breakfast area, kitchen bathroom or kitchen island like I have done in the prior year.  With how busy we have been AND because we decided not to host an Ugly Sweater party or Gingerbread House party like we have done the last 3 years, I took advantage of decorating sparingly inside the house this year.

Dad changed up the outside decorations a little but our lights are still the brightest on the street.  He added the Minons decorating the tree and a Captain American blow up.  We have already received multiple complements from neighbors about how much they like the decorations and the way the house looks.

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