Sunday, December 4, 2016

Half Marathons

I know this is Collin's blog but his Mommy, that would be me, does have to take the time to sit down and write the blog.  It would be a lot easier if I can get an App on my phone to work to do this when I think about it and not when I am sitting in front of the computer.

Another reason I have not had a lot of time in the last several weeks to keep up with the blog is because I have ran 3, yes 3, half marathons in the last 5 weeks.  Probably not too smart to run two of the back-to-back but I did it anyway. 

This first one was a relay in a Half Ironman.  The cyclist asked me to run.  She just finished colon cancer chemo and this was her first race back after chemo.  I was honored to run and part of the team.  I knew this one would be tough because I would not start the run until 11ish and it would be hot out.  It was a REALLY tough race for me but I did finish.  I was not too happy with my time (2:33) but I was happy with it based on the conditions of the heat and the run path.

The next half was the following Sunday.  I ran by myself.  The weather was really good and we started at 6:45am which was great.  I am used to running early in the morning so these conditions were great.  I felt really good during the run which was surprising because I had just run the weekend before.  I guess it not too much different from running the long runs every week except that I don't usually run these at race pace.  I was feeling so good during this race that I decided to sprint the last 1 1.5 miles finishing at 2:11.  Better than last time so I was really happy with this finish time.  It really, really helped that my crazy besties came out to cheer me on.  They were at every 3 - 4 miles which was awesome!  They were yelling and acting crazy which kept my mind off my tired legs.

I ran another half marathon today which was three weeks after the last one.  This one was tough because it was 50 degrees and it poured on us a few times.  Therefore, I was running in the rain or was wet the entire time.  That's a new one for me.  I do like running in the cold though.  I finished this one with a surprising 2:06 finish.  Yes!!!  I cannot wait until my next race which won't be until February 2017.  This girl needs to rest her legs a little.

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