Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesdays With Daddy

Collin wanted to play in the sink, at first I did not know what he wanted but he kept wanting me to hold him and take him to the sink. He would put his hands in the bowl of water in the sink but that created a big mess so I would put him down and he wanted back up. SO finally I put him in the sink and let him play and he was very content. SO I just left him there for about half an hour.

SO as you can see by the picture to the left I wore Collin out today. First we went to the ZOO and Collin really wanted to walk/run the whole time and not sit in the stroller. Collin really likes Elephants and got real excited when the Elephant stood up on his front legs and raised his back legs in the air. He kept looking at me and pointed at the Elephant very excited. He also really enjoyed the Giraffes. There were about a billion elementary school kids there so we left early, although at one point Collin noticed that all of the kids were holding each others hands while walking so he walked up to one of the girls on the end of the line and grabbed her hand. She was startled and let go and he looked at her like "WHATS UP" then he looked at me and held his hand up as if to say "WHY".

We ended the day by hanging outside with the 11 year olds across the street, Collin liked one of their bikes since it was Green like his. He really liked just hanging out with them, I think he thinks he is a big boy.

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