Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another Rainy Day

So far, we have stayed in the house on this rainy day. Good day to stay in PJs too. We have played with almost all of Collin's toys, read books, snacked...that's important and swept the floor. I was shocked that he did not want to wash any clothes. He has not even gone near the laundry room. While we are playing, it will start pouring rain and Collin will run over to the window to look outside and watch it. He likes the sound it makes on the skylight in the kitchen. He points at the water and does not understand what is happening or what the sound is from.

All of this rain has not stopped him from his bad habits of throwing things down the stairs. This is a daily occurrence so why should a rainy day be any different? Here he is throwing some of his stuffed animals down the stairs that he found in his room. Daddy and mommy got involved by throwing the animals back up the stairs. Collin thought this was funny and laughed really hard a few times....which made us smile and laugh too. It felt good on such a dreary day. Yeah, I know. We probably taught him that throwing animals, or anything else, up and down the stairs is OK. We will have to deal with this later. It was harmful entertainment that the time that worked.

Here is what Collin did tonight while I was running his bath water. Believe me, it does not take but 5 minutes or less to run the water. That's all Collin needs to redecorate the 3rd floor and his room.

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