Monday, March 16, 2009

My Ying can sing like anything!!

So I was reading to Collin tonight. At first Collin did not seem to interested at first but as the first fish became the second fish and then the third fish and fourth he started to get involved. As we turned to the Bike/Mike page Collin gets excited and starts saying Bi, Bi we think that means Bike, see how smart we are we put two and two together and figured that one out when he was pointing at his Bike and said Bi Bi. That is drastically different from By By.

So the language of COllin at 19 months is getting interesting. But he is Awesome and it is fun teaching him things. Laura and I have been trying to teach him to Burp. Our hope is that he will be at a doctors office with Mimi and really let out a good Belch!!!

Good Night.

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