Monday, March 23, 2009


One of Collin's favorite words and things to do is throw. Mimi taught him to say throw and now we do get a warning of when he is about to throw something. He says "throw", looks at us for approval, and then he throws the object in his hand...whether we give him approval or not. At first, he was throwing balls which is ok, but he started to throw his other toys. The kid has a good arm so we stood there in awe watching how hard he can throw. Now, we get to teach him that not everything should be thrown 1) like the fig newton to the back of my head yesterday when I was driving because he did not want it anymore, 2) the small toy I gave him to keep him occupied and not fussy when we were on the way to Saige's house yesterday and....this was a big one 3) the remote control into Kristen's chin and really hurt her. We have tried to say "No throw" and look sternly at him but I bet we are not consistent with him. The joys of parenting.

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