Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Bear Cub Scout Science Experiments

Collin rally likes going to the monthly scout den meeting. He especially likes it when his friend, Will, is there. I knew tonight was going to be fun because they were going to make slime and elephant toothpaste (http://www.using-hydrogen-peroxide.com/elephant-toothpaste.html). We saw elephant toothpaste being made on a recent TV show so I knew what the boys were in for. I also knew that Dad would have fun and want to join the meeting tonight.

It was a full house at the meeting. The boys started with learning about static electricity. They blew up a balloon, rubbed it in their hair and gen watched what happpened. Some boys rubbed the other boy's hair and then started throwing the balloons. 


Next, they stood around the kitchen island of the community center to learn how to make slime. They formed a team to make a bowl of slime each. They got to pour the glue, liquid starch, glitter and food coloring befre stirring the ingredients. Then, they added shaving cream and watched the slime form.
Dad was even getting into making the slime
Love that smile!
Next, they tried to make elephant toothpaste....twice. It did not work out quiet right but they did not seem to care.
 Another great night of cub scouts!  Until next month....

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