Thursday, July 9, 2015

Durango Souvenir

If Collin does not remember anything else from the time we spent in Durango, I bet he will remember when the capuchin monkey bit him on his left pointer finger.

While I was taking a shower, Dad and Collin went to visit with the pet monkeys of a family staying in the same RV camp we were staying in. They already played with them the night before so the monkeys were familiar with the guys. This time, the capuchin monkey, named Jinx, was eating some cherries. Possibly she thought that Collin's finger looked like a cherry also because she latched onto it when she saw it. Dad pulled Collin's finger out of the monkey's mouth and saw that the monkey did break the skin. The owner's did have some medicine and a band aid to put on Collin's finger. That night, we did ice his finger because it was swelling a little but did not hurt. He did not have a fever either. Also, because the monkeys had all of their shots, we thought it was fine to wait the night to see how his finger looked in the morning.

The next morning, his finger was still swollen and now slightly purple in color. Time to find an urgent care in Durango. He was so worried about getting a shot. I told him he was likely going to have to take some medicine and he said he preferred to take pills and NOT liquid....because 'it's so yucky." As we suspected, the doctor had dealt with dog and cat bites, but a monkey bite was a first. Because Collin could bend his finger and he did not have a fever, she was not too concerned. However, she did prescribe some antibiotics just in case. He was not happy about this because he still remembered the taste from the antibiotic he took when his foot was infected with a splinter a month or so ago. She also put some Bacitracin ointment and a new band aid on the finger. 

It’s been three days since the bite and his finger looks good. He is able to move it and feels fine.  We will continue the antibiotics until it’s gone.  What a story he has to tell his friends when we get back home.  He hopes there is a scar so he can show the scar when he tells the story when he is older.

Here he is taking his medicine.  He is usually not this happy but knows I am shooting a video so he is performing for the camera:

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