Friday, July 17, 2015

Drones and Droids Camp

This week, Collin attended Droid and Drone camp which was sponsored by the Engineering School of the local university.  The campers got to pilot their own "take home" quad-copters in “flight over fight” aerial missions paired with Lego Robotics. Teams competed in Drones and Droids variations of Capture the Flag, Race against Time, First Responder and Obstacle/Maneuverability Courses. At the end of the course, Collin got to take home his very own quad-copter. I really liked this camp because the kids had to learn to work as a team to build the droids and then choose a driver at the end of each day to compete.  Collin and Jacob where Team Colorfuls.  They chose the name because of the multiple colors of the legos they built the droids with.

Collin said this was the best camp he has been to and wants to go again.  He said it was even better than zoo camp...which was hard to believe because of home much he still talks about zoo camp. 

Here is a video of the drone he flew today.  The videos of the droids were too long to post.  They were really cute so I was hoping to make them work.


I told Collin to take pictures of some of his friends he met during the week.  Here are the pictures he took with his phone.  I thought he did a great job.

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