Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tooth Fairy Jackpot!!!

Before Collin went to bed last night, we found his Tooth Fairy book to read through the list of Do's and Don'ts with the tooth placement.  He remembered that the tooth needed to not be bloody and should be clean.  We laughed when we read the one about not putting the tooth in a smelly sock.  Here is the list:


  1. Don't leave the tooth bloody or smelly
  2. Don't clench the tooth in your fist when you are asleep
  3. Don't leave the tooth in a smelly sock

  1. Leave the tooth in the lower right-hand corner under your pillow
  2. Get a good nights rest...and try not to wake up
  3. ...there was a 3rd but I don't remember it.  I was not important to Collin
When we read the requirement about the lower right-hand corner of the pillow, Collin looked over at the pillows he had on the the bed and was concerned that the pillow he chose was too far away for the fairy to get to, especially if he followed her instructions about the lower corner.  So, he chose to use the pillow closest to the door.  While we were talking about what the fairy might leave him and if we should leave a note for her so that she knows he lost two teeth, he said, "She is probably listening to us right now so we don't need to leave a note.  She can hear us talking about $3". 

This morning, I was making his lunch and in came a very happy boy with $6 fanned out in his hands.  "Mommy, she WAS listening.  I got $1, $2 (he is laying each $1 out on the counter)....$6 dollars...probably because I am six!"  He then wanted me to read the note from the Tooth Fairy.  He said that he liked that she gave him $6 AND a note.  I don't think he was expecting a note.

Look at that happy face

He told me he was really excited about going to school today because the teacher was going to put his name on the tooth wall.  I had not heard of this before so I asked about the wall.  "She writes your name on the wall matching the month you lost a tooth".  I asked if she would write his name twice and he said she wouldn't.  Then, he chose chocolate chip muffins to eat because they are soft for his gums.  He wanted pancakes but I did not have time to make these for him before heading to work.  I cannot wait to hear how it goes at school for him today.  Too bad I cannot eat lunch with him to hear all about it then.  I guess I will have to wait.....like the rest of you! 

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