Sunday, April 27, 2014

Baseball and a birthday party

Collin had his second to last early Saturday baseball game....yeah!!!  Although, the early morning has not been tough on him the past few days because he is getting up earlier than usual because "I'm not tired anymore".  I hope this is just a phase because I did look forward to the weekends when he would sleep in past 8:30am.  He's waking up around 6:30am which is not too could be worse.

We arrived early for the 9am game to warm up with the rest of the team.  He was exited about going which does help him get ready and moving in the morning.  After a quick stop for some caffeine for Mommy and Daddy, we headed to the baseball fields.  Collin was excited about hitting and even did not fuss about fielding the ball.  During the game, he got a hit each time he was at bat and at lease one RBI.  He did great in the field, too, backing up 2nd baseman and stopping a ball from going to the fence.  Great, action-packed game, but they did end up losing by 1 point.  Their fielding was not as good as it can be so they gave up a few runs in the very last inning.  I am sure they were getting tired and ready for a snack.  I did not get any pictures from this game because I was score keeper.

One of the three times he was on 1st base

Very important part of the game....or post-game....snacks!!!

After the game, we headed to a birthday party on the other side of town for a co-worker's little girl.  She was turning 4.  Even though Collin is interested in "older women", we went because there were going to be lots of animals.  Seeing how much fun he had at the rodeo, I thought he might enjoy this part.  When we arrived, he immediately saw the animals and was more excited about the party than he was when we left the baseball fields.

What was great about this party was he could walk into the animal cages and pet the animals.  He really liked the goats because they were active, friendly, soft...and started to eat his shorts.  He thought that was really funny.  He thought the noises the large pigs made was really funny and started to copy them.  He got to ride a pony and thought that was fun.

Deer walking around freely

"That's a fat pig Mommy"
Because the other kids with the party wanted to ride the train going around the park, he wanted to also but he wanted to me ride with him.  I was really tired and did not want to smell the gas from the train so I talked him into riding with one of the girls from the party.  He was not happy but I thought he would forget about this once the train started.  When I saw his face when they were coming back to the train depot, I could tell that he did NOT forget....that pouty face was WAY too cute.
Not smiling....

...still not smiling...

....and now he looks bored!

After playing on one of the several playgrounds, he found the large dirt pile and played on this until we had to leave.  The pile was massive and it really did look like a lot of fun.  Even though we did not have a change of clothes and I knew he was going to get really dirty, I let him play because I knew he wanted to and knew he would have a lot of fun.....which he did.  When it was time to go, I cleaned him up as much as I could but there were still plenty of dirt on him based on the dirt left on the car seat and the car.  Plus, when we took his shoes off when he got home, there was enough dirt in his shoes to fill up at least one shoe.

I thought for sure he would be exhausted from the baseball game and playing at the party for over 2 hours.  He was not interested in a nap and lasted until 9:30pm that night.  Mommy, on the other hand was really tired and was really hoping he would take a nap.  Oh well....I am used to my energetic little boy.

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