Monday, November 26, 2012

Starting the Resume Early

I have been working with Collin to learn his address, city and state and his A, B, Cs since his last progress report.  He is doing MUCH better with his A, B, Cs and only has trouble now with I, Q, T, U, V, and W.  He's getting there.  Mimi and Grandma H have been helping too so he is learning really quick.  Daddy, on the other hand, is teaching him other "useful" tricks such as squeezing his butt cheeks together or flaring his nostrils.  Daddy is really proud of Collin when he does either one of these.

We both learned that Collin taught himself to burp.  I did not believe it at first so I asked him to do it again.  Not only did he do it but he did it several other times.  Now that he knows he can get our attention doing this, he has done it repeatedly over and over again during the Thanksgiving holiday.  I thought for sure that I would receive an email from Ms. Hansen sometime today telling me that his burping is disrupting class.  I didn't.  Is that a good sign?  Maybe.....he did burp at least three times on purpose when he got home.  Great!  Well, at least he is a typical little boy.

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