Friday, November 30, 2012

Lunch with My Man

I finally was able to take some time away from work to meet Collin at school for lunch.  I did not tell him that morning that I was going to have lunch with him because I wanted to surprise him.  I also wanted to see how he acted around his classmates and how well he followed his teacher's instructions. 

I got there early as planned so I could already be in the cafeteria when he arrived.  He was walking in a line with his lunch bag and his classmates.  One of his friends noticed me and told him but he did not hear.  I waited until he sat down and then walked up behind him.  I tapped him on the shoulder and asked "Can I have lunch with you today?"  He turned around and had a huge grin on his face when he saw it was me.  I jumped up and even gave me a hug....then the instructions started.  I was to sit where he pointed and then take out my lunch.  As he was taking out his chicken sandwich, strawberries and fruit stick, he was positively commenting what I packed for him to eat and was excited about it.  Well, yeah, that's good to know since I do pack that fairly regularly.  He also wanted to know what the note said that I included with his lunch.  This one said "You are the coolest!"

He did not talk as much as I expected him to like he did when he was a Montessori School.  He spent most of the time eating and hugging my arm.  His friends asked who I was and wanted to know my name.  I told them and then they wanted to know Collin's Daddy's name.  I told them Chris and they proceed to tell me everyone they knew that was named Chris....and there were a lot of examples.  Most of the time though, the kids diligently ate there food.  About half the kids bought the hot lunch and the other half brought.  I don't know if that is usual or if there are some kids that buy on Friday regularly.  Collin did ask why he did not get to go in the line.  I pointed out to him that he would not eat anything on the plate and he agreed that he would rather have what I packed him.  That made me feel good to know that I was not wasting my time every morning to pack his lunch.

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