Sunday, November 11, 2012

Last Soccer Game

Saturday was Collin's last soccer game and he played his little heart out.  He got to play three of the four innings they played.  He was goal tender one of the times and blocked and kicked at the ball as much as he could when it came near him.  The other times, he ran and ran and ran.  He successfully turned the ball around a few times to head the direction of the goal.  He did not score a goal but sure did help Luke or Oliver get the ball closer to the goal. 

After the game, we had a picnic and the kids received their trophies.  Collin was not interested in eating because there was a playground next to the picnic tables.  He either played on the playground equipment or played bury his trophy and we had to guess where it was. 

I am actually going to miss watching him play.  Basketball should be next.

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