Monday, December 31, 2012

"Can I have this for Christmas next year?"

I wonder huch much longer I will have to hear this phrase.  At least Collin does not whine for something wants when he sees it and, instead, just asks "Can I have this for Christmas next year?"  He recently said this at the grocery store when he saw a toy car.  I am SOOO happy that he at least stopped asking for a Cuddle Up Pet.  He is seeing more commercials and this was showing all of the time on the channel he likes, Sponge Bob Squarepants which shows 24 hours a day.  He said he really wanted one of these because of how soft it looked and because the soft cover came with a puppet that he wanted to play with.  He did get a large soft blanket with the Avengers on it for Christmas to add to the two other soft covers he has on his bed.  I guess this was not enough because the next morning, he said "Mommy, I really want a Cuddle Up Pet.  My heart really hurts because I don't have one."  Oh wow!!!  He is really pulling at the emotions with that one.  However, I have not given up yet.  I does not need another cover for me to pick up or him to drag around with him especially when we are living in our small apartment right now while the house is being remodeled. 

Here is the blanket/Cuddle Up Pet he really wants....and I hopefully don't break down and buy it for him....

Mema and Cousins

Collin and I headed to Mema's the past Friday for a long visit.  We planned ahead and packed to spend the night since we did end up spending the night last time and did not pack for it.  Good thing that was the plan this time because Collin was not ready to go the next day even.  He and Sam were inseparable...except when they finally went to sleep. 

Unlike last time, Collin did not take any time at all to warm up and start playing with Sam.  I was glad to see that she was interested in playing with him too.  They played inside for a little bit with Collin's new Christmas toys I brought.  Good thing because it was about 40 degrees outside.  Then, they wanted to play outside.  At first, they helped mema feed the donkeys.  There are 5 of them now.  Collin thought it was funny how loud the donkeys were braying to let us know how hungry they were.  He like that at least one of them stayed still enough for him to pet it.  The baby was not interested in being touched at all.

After feeding the donkeys, we walked to the smaller tank (like a lake) on the property.  Before playing by the water, the cousins climbed the tree house.  Collin was really proud of himself that he climbed up the tree all by himself.  Sam is afraid of heights so they were both ecstatic about being in the tree.

We then walked over to the tank.  Several times, Collin told me how much he liked to hike and wanted to do it more often.  I told him how I used to do what he was doing all the time when I was his age and stayed at mema's with the other cousins.  I really enjoyed watching him explore and have fun with his cousin like I did.  Along the way to the tank, he was picking up rocks and leaves for me to hold.  Yeah me....this actually happens all the time.  I will even find leaves in my purse when looking for something in there because Collin will put things in there when he finds them.

At the tank, I found a rock and showed the kids how to skip rocks in the water.  Mema even did it too....well, at least tried.  Her rocks did not ever skip.  I tried telling her that her rocks were too heavy.  The kids had fun trying but could not get the rock to skip either.  They were not frustrated about it though. 

After hanging out at the tank a little longer and then playing in the tree house again, we went inside because we were all getting cold.  The kids continued to play great together and even did not stop too long to eat lunch or dinner.  Only when it was getting close to bed time, did they settle down and relax.  They were too cute together watching some TV before changing into PJs....

The next morning, Collin could not wait for Sam to get up.  She slept in a little later than he did.  I could not wait either because I was Collin's playmate until she did finally wake up almost an hour later.  Mema got to spend more time with Collin during this time though.  When she woke up, they played both in and outside for a few hours before we needed to leave and head back home.  Collin did not want to go...and could not blame him.....but Daddy was missing us and I had errands to run regarding our house being remodeled.

He is looking forward to our next trip to mema's house.  me too!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Because we are in the beginning of remodeling the house, we did not want to have Christmas morning at the small apartment.  We, instead, spent the night at Grandma H's house so we could wake up and have Christmas morning by a fireplace and at her house. 

This is the first year that Collin was really excited about Christmas and had a idea that presents were involved.  All day Christmas Eve, Collin kept asking me if he could go to sleep.  I knew something was up with him because he NEVER asked if he could go to sleep. He wanted to sleep so he could wake up and have Christmas morning with presents.  I tried convincing him that it did not work that way but he kept asking if he could sleep or if it was time to go to bed.  We played at the park for almost an hour so he could be worn out and not think about presents...and that still did not work.  Finally, Daddy was home from the bike shop and it was time to go to Grandma H's house.  Did Collin want to go to bed when we got there?  Nope.  He refused to fall asleep and took until way after his 9pm bed time to finally fall asleep.  Santa had to wait an hour after he wanted to before unloading the presents at grandam's house.  We were hoping Collin did not wake up at 5:30am like he did that morning because he could not wait for Santa to arrive.

Thankfully, he did not wake up until after 7am which meant we did get to sleep in a little bit.  After he went to where Grandma H was sleeping, he came and got us so he could see if Santa ate his cookies.  Collin stepped over his presents from Santa and did not stop to play with him because he was too curious to see if Santa ate the cookies and drank his milk. Collin held up the two pieces of the one cookie left and was happy to report that Santa did eat the cookie.  He then saw the castle and played with it for awhile before he asked about opening other presents. 

The castle all ready for Collin to discover it and start playing

Daddy and Collin checking out the castle

Opening other presents.  These are action figures from Grandma H.

Here he is showing how big this present is and cannot wait to open it.

Interesting how he is strong enough to open this present and could not even get dressed that morning because his clothes were too heavy for him
After opening some of his presents, we left to have breakfast with the Jureks.  Kristen made eggs, bacon and pancakes.  The kids were more interested in playing with each other because they don't get to see each other all of the time like they are used to since we moved to the apartment only a week ago.  The kids had a great time playing with each other while the parents caught up for the week. 

After checking out the progress on our house, we headed back to Grandma H's house to have Christmas lunch with the entire family and hang out for the afternoon.  Timmy and Collin played so well together with the toys that Collin already opened.  Leah did not want to be left out and tried to butt in when she could.  The boys were not interested in her playing though and got annoyed with her.  Soon, it was time to eat one of the most delicious Christmas meals we all have had in a long time.  Grandma H really out did herself including cooking her first turkey.  Everyone could not get over how moist it was.

After dinner, the kids opened the remaining gifts and played really well with them.  Collin and Timmy play together the best out of all of Collin's playmates.  Is that because they don't see each other too often?  I don't think so.  I watched them play.  They are so thoughtful of each other while playing and take turns.  The only crying is when Leah comes in and takes what one of the boys is playing with.  She wants to be involved...but in her way.

Collin, Leah and Timmy checking out the castle.  Leah is finding all of the smal pieces.

Family haning around waiting for lunch.  I love it!

Mimi and Leah playing with Collin's piano

The boys playing so good together

The kids opening presents

Mimi and Timmy

Leah was so good opening her presents.  She did not have any problem taking the wrapping paper off.

Collin got a soft cover...and that was the end of him opening other gifts
Collin did really well this Christmas.  Let's see if I remember everything he got:

  • Imagination Castle and knights
  • Miniature knights and dragons
  • Books
  • Dr. Suess puzzle
  • USA puzzle
  • Angry birds hooded towel
  • American heros soft blanket
  • Games for his Leapster
  • Action figures
  • Psycho cycle - remote controlled motorcycle
  • Silly putty
  • Mater car that does silly things

School Winter Program

Daddy and Mommy were able to attend Collin's school winter program.  No one told us what to expect other than the program starts at 10am Friday morning.  In the prior years, this meant that Collin and his classmates sang Christmas songs and then we all ate snacks.  Should we have expected something else from public school?  I guess so. 

The "program" was fun for the kids but it was not meant to be a performance for the parents.  Most of the parents did not even attend.  What did happen was the kids moved around to different "stations" to decorate cookies, have a snack, create a reindeer bot and play a game.  The parents that did attend helped Ms. Hansen with the kids and rotate them when they were ready to move to the next station. Daddy and I were glad we were there but now we know that it's not even close to what the Montessori school least for now.  Collin had a great time and did not want to leave with Daddy or I when the fun was over.  He wanted to stay for the story time and then leave even though some of his other classmates went home with their mothers.  At least he enjoys school, right?

Making a reindeer pot

Snack time with Elizabeth and friends

Decorating cookies.  Oh look..with Elizabeth

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Library Book - In Collin's Name

Earlier in the year, all of the kids in Collin's class were challenged to have books read to them for at least 15 minutes a night for 6 weeks.  It was easy for us to do because I have been reading to Collin since even before he was born.  Once he was born, I started to read to him the day we brought him home.  The 15 minutes goes by fast.  At the end of each week, we turned in a card that showed the books we read and the total time.  He would bring home a small prize for this like a sticker, book mark, etc.  I thought that was all he would get ... but it did not matter because we did not need any incentive to read.

Each Monday, he brings home a book from the library that he or the teacher picks out.  We get to keep it for the week and then turn in back in the following Monday so he can bring home another book.  This Monday, he brought home a cool book about a little boy that draws all the time.  It reminded me of the other book we like Harold and the Purple Crayon.  When I opened the cover of the book, I noticed that the sticker on the inside of the book had Collin's name on it.  I showed it to Collin and he had a HUGE grin on his face because he full name was in the book.  Here is what the sticker looks like:

Looks like the biggest prize for all of that reading was he got a book donated to the library in his name.  How cool is that?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Apartment

So....we are all moved in...but not settled quite yet.  I will post pictures when I can find the camera and cord.  I think I know where it is.....

We spent our first night in the apartment Saturday night.  Each of us are getting used to living in the MUCH smaller space compared to what we are used to living in including the bed Daddy and I sleep on.  We normally sleep in a king size bed but the apartment is furnished with a full bed.  HUGE difference.  Poor Daddy is affected the most.  The first night, he tried the bed and ended up on the couch.  The next night, Collin and I slept in the full bed and Daddy slept on Collin's twin mattress on the floor in Collin's room...but then ended up on the couch.  The next night, Daddy started on the couch and ended up there.  He is not getting any sleep at all....and it's wearing on him.  However, the last two nights, he tried the full bed again and stayed there most of the night.  Maybe we will be able to make this work.

I think Collin loves his room/playroom now that he has had a chance to play and live in it for a few days.  The first day, he commented that, "My room is a sleep play room" and thought it was great that all of his toys where in the room where he also sleeps.  This has made it difficult to get him to focus and get ready for bed at night.  At least the bathroom does connect to his room so I can shut both doors that lead to the hall to contain him in one area...but it does not really help....especially when the TV is on right on the other side of Collin's bedroom wall.  So far, I am the only one bothered by it.  He has not mentioned the TV or the kids running in the apartment above us at the same time every night....which is about the time I am trying to put Collin to bed. 

When he does eventually fall asleep, he still wiggles around like he always has.  However, Daddy has caught him every night falling off the mattress and on the floor.  Why is it when the bed is lower to the ground, he falls out?  He never did this at our house when the mattress was on a frame. 

Another "fun" event was that Collin locked me in the master bathroom.  Yep, I did not discover that the lock was on the outside of the door until I was using the bathroom area and I heard a "click" and then Collin running down the hall.  I was thankful Daddy was there and could let me out.  That will be the first thing on the list that needs to get fixed!

Daddy and Collin do have to get up earlier to either catch the bus in front of our house or to be dropped off at school.  This is a struggle for both of my boys because they are not morning people.  I have helped every morning so far to push them both along...but not without crying, complaining or stubbornness from one or both of them....OK, me too. 

Well, it will be an adjustment for all of us but only needed temporarily.  We expect to be in the apartment 5 months....and I hope not much longer than that.  They are VERY busy at the house already.  As of Day 2, all of the sheet rock, electrical and ceiling on the first floor has been removed.  No changing our minds now!

Day 1 - before the demolition

Day 1 - at the end of the day

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I have been busy packing up the house for us to embark on an extensive remodeling extensive that we are moving into a 1,000 sq ft apartment for at least 5 months while the house is being remodeled.  Collin unpacks stuff he is interested in looking at as fast as I can pack it.  I quickly learned to pack his stuff when he is sleeping or to close the lid on the box even if there is more room. 

Today, we found his camera he got for Christmas last year.  We both had a blast looking through the pictures he took.  I found his subject matter VERY interesting at times....lots of shoes, ground, grass, pictures on the wall, programs on the TV and his Monkey.  There were several pictures of me, Daddy and his grandmother's.  Here are some of the pictures he took.  They are blurry at times because he does not sit still when taking pictures.


Grandma H


School shoes


Abstract pic of his bike seat?

More shoes

My precious little boy.  He was 4 here.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Zookeeper Collin

A few weeks ago, Daddy rented the movie We Bought a Zoo which was about a father that moved his young family to the countryside to renovate and re-open a struggling zoo.  We have seen this moving before and Collin loved it...especially because of all of the animals in the movie.  There is a little girl in the movie that is about Collin's age.  The main reason the family moved is because the mother recently passed away from an illness.  To comfort herself, the little girl would bury herself under all of her stuffed animals on her bed before she could fall asleep.  That night and MANY nights after that, Collin has slept the same way.  Before this, he slept with his standard "friends" which are Whale, Monkey, Rabbit and Puppy...sometimes Penguin (don't you just love the creative names he gives his animals...haha).  It does not look too comfortable to me and makes me hot thinking about it, but this is what he usually looks like when we check on him later before we go to bed:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Club Family Day

We had a fantastic day Saturday with the bike shop first annual Family Day.  The morning started with Mommy running in a race for 2 miles while Collin and Daddy watched and cheered me on.  I ended up getting third place in the female group.  Yeah me!

We then moved locations to the pavilion where multiple "fun" stations were set up:
  • Water bottle toss - Collin like this one the best.
  • Cookie decorating
  • Bike toss - Yes, will real bikes
  • Three-legged race
The kids had their own race for 3/4 of a mile. Collin told me he was not interesting in "running a long time" but was excited and eager to start when the other kids lined up to race.  I was so proud of the effort and determination he had while running all but less than 5 minutes of the race.  He ended up finishing in the middle of the pack and was one of the younger kids participating.  Several people commented on is smooth running form.  That's my boy!

After the race, Collin and Oliver hung out at the water bottle toss area to watch the big kids play a little while and then the little guys started playing when everyone else left.  They hung out there most of the time...but no matter where Collin or Oliver was, I could find the other boy.

The kids participated in the bike toss which consisted of a bike with training wheels.  They pushed the back of the bike and let go to see how far it would roll.  Collin actually participated too but his "toss" did not go as far as some of the other kids. I was happy to see him try it.

Then, we all did the three-legged race.  Daddy and I did it together and Collin and Oliver where tied together.  When the race started, the boys feel within a few feet and stayed on the ground.  At least they tried.  Daddy and I did make it to the turnaround point and back but we were far from first place....but still had a great time. 

After lunch of hamburgers or hot dogs, the boys walked around and collected sticks and rocks.  Sounds like boys, rights?  Collin even managed to put a few in my pocket that I did not even notice he did that until later in the day. 

I was shocked after spending almost 5 hours at the park that 1) Collin asked to go to a playground as we were walking to the car to leave and 2) did not fall asleep at all until it was his usual time for bed later that night.  I was exhausted but did enjoy being with him the rest of the day.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Lunch with My Man

I finally was able to take some time away from work to meet Collin at school for lunch.  I did not tell him that morning that I was going to have lunch with him because I wanted to surprise him.  I also wanted to see how he acted around his classmates and how well he followed his teacher's instructions. 

I got there early as planned so I could already be in the cafeteria when he arrived.  He was walking in a line with his lunch bag and his classmates.  One of his friends noticed me and told him but he did not hear.  I waited until he sat down and then walked up behind him.  I tapped him on the shoulder and asked "Can I have lunch with you today?"  He turned around and had a huge grin on his face when he saw it was me.  I jumped up and even gave me a hug....then the instructions started.  I was to sit where he pointed and then take out my lunch.  As he was taking out his chicken sandwich, strawberries and fruit stick, he was positively commenting what I packed for him to eat and was excited about it.  Well, yeah, that's good to know since I do pack that fairly regularly.  He also wanted to know what the note said that I included with his lunch.  This one said "You are the coolest!"

He did not talk as much as I expected him to like he did when he was a Montessori School.  He spent most of the time eating and hugging my arm.  His friends asked who I was and wanted to know my name.  I told them and then they wanted to know Collin's Daddy's name.  I told them Chris and they proceed to tell me everyone they knew that was named Chris....and there were a lot of examples.  Most of the time though, the kids diligently ate there food.  About half the kids bought the hot lunch and the other half brought.  I don't know if that is usual or if there are some kids that buy on Friday regularly.  Collin did ask why he did not get to go in the line.  I pointed out to him that he would not eat anything on the plate and he agreed that he would rather have what I packed him.  That made me feel good to know that I was not wasting my time every morning to pack his lunch.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Did God Hear My Fart?"

Collin has been going to church on Wednesday nights with Saige and Linden.  For the last several weeks, they have been learning songs to sing next week at the Christmas program.  I can tell the songs they learn each week because he sings them at least that night and sometimes the next day.  I just love to hear him sing and know that he is really enjoying this time each week.

They must have talked a lot about God this last time or Collin was really thinking about Him and had lots of questions for me after reading books that night. 

C:  "Mommy, where is God?"

M:  "He is everywhere and all around us."

C:  "Why can't I see him then?" - That's a good one, right?

M:  "Well Collin, we can see him when we are in Heaven."  - Oh no, he will ask when he is going to Heaven next.

Collin plays for a little bit and starts to get ready for bed.  He looks back at me and says,

C:  "Did God hear my fart?"  Ummmm.....

M:  "Yes, Collin, God hears everything you and I do." 

C:  "Did He laugh?"

M:  "Probably not.  He has heard you fart since you were born.  He is used to it by now."  - Dang, I am getting good at these quick responses.

He asked a few more questions about God and then jump to a corner of his room.  I asked what he was doing and he told me he was trying to jump on God to see if He would talk.  What an imagination that little boy has.  I really enjoyed tonight and all the nights we have our talks like this.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Starting the Resume Early

I have been working with Collin to learn his address, city and state and his A, B, Cs since his last progress report.  He is doing MUCH better with his A, B, Cs and only has trouble now with I, Q, T, U, V, and W.  He's getting there.  Mimi and Grandma H have been helping too so he is learning really quick.  Daddy, on the other hand, is teaching him other "useful" tricks such as squeezing his butt cheeks together or flaring his nostrils.  Daddy is really proud of Collin when he does either one of these.

We both learned that Collin taught himself to burp.  I did not believe it at first so I asked him to do it again.  Not only did he do it but he did it several other times.  Now that he knows he can get our attention doing this, he has done it repeatedly over and over again during the Thanksgiving holiday.  I thought for sure that I would receive an email from Ms. Hansen sometime today telling me that his burping is disrupting class.  I didn't.  Is that a good sign?  Maybe.....he did burp at least three times on purpose when he got home.  Great!  Well, at least he is a typical little boy.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The City and Sea World - Day #2

What a weekend!!!  Sea World did not open until noon today so we had a huge breakfast before exploring the city for a few hours.  Hour hotel room faced the river.  Collin saw several boats going up and down the river so we thought it would be fun to take a boat ride.  It was an informative, relaxing 30 minute ride.  Collin's favorite was to count all of the ducks he saw.  He wanted me to help and kept tipping my head down to face the water if he saw I was looking another direction.  Funny at first but annoying later because I was trying to look around at the great scenery.

After the boat ride, we still had a few hours before we headed to Sea World so we walked to the Alamo that was really close to our hotel. It was special for me to be there because, the last time I was there, I did not have my boys in my life.  Also, I had been here several times as a kid.  I enjoyed watching Collin fascinated with the same things I was.  I really liked looking at the old guns in the display case.  He did not want to walk around outside as much as I did as a kid though.  His attention span was not long because he was focused on going to Sea World.
In front of The Alamo

Really cool tree inside the Alamo walls

Looking at the "map" to see where we were
We took our time heading back to the hotel where we planned to rest for an hour before leaving again.  We had to walk back past the waterfall because we told Collin we would.  That kid sure does have a memory.  He did not let us forget anything we said we would do....and especially if it involved or interested him.

Collin had to count every step we took up or down while walking around

So excited to see the waterfall

Day 2 of Sea World was just as great as Day 1.  We started with the sea lion show that we missed yesterday.  Continuing with a Christmas theme, it was really cute.  Collin liked the sea otter because he was so cute. 

I was really excited about Day 2 because I wanted to ride, and did, the two adult roller coasters.  I wondered if I would love them as much as I did as a kid....and I did.  Collin really did not want me to go the first time and gave me a huge hug before I headed to the coaster line.  What a ride!!!  I loved it and would have done it again but wanted to not keep the family waiting any longer.  I liked the Steel Eel better than the Great White Shark which was the suspended coaster.  Both were a ton of fun but the Steel Eel was scarier.  We saw the penguin exhibit in between the two rides.  Collin did not say as long as I thought he would...maybe because it really smelled like fish in the exhibit.

There I go.  The second to the last car in the back waving to the boys.
The Great White Shark
Collin and Daddy where going to ride the water ride but Collin hurt himself on the stairs when he was not paying attention.  He then turned into a grouchy little boy that "can't walk because my bone is broken" and wanted one of us to carry him.  Yes, he did scrap his leg in two places and there was a little blood.  We stopped to have a snack thinking this would help but he only cried more because it burned.  I found two band-aids that he said made it worse.  Distraction time was needed so we headed to the Shamu show with the other Killer Whales.  The show was FANTASTIC.  Glad I was not sitting on the first half of the benches.  Those people got soaked!

Probably one of my favorite parts of the day was to ride a roller coaster with Collin.  He was not sure about it at first but then did ride it with me.  No, this was not one of the big ones.  It was the coaster in the Sesame Street section of the part.  He asked if it was fast and I told him that it was not as fast as the ones I road.  He did great!  During the ride after the first loop, he told me he was scared ... but was smiling.  When it stopped but we were still on it, he looked over at me and said, "You were wrong Mommy.  That was fast!"

This was right after he told me he was scared.  See, he looks fine.

Right up front.  Oh baby!
He road the carousel next before we headed home.  As with other carousel rides, he picked out which animal he wanted to ride before the turn before him stopped for him to get one.  The purple zebra was all his. 

On the way out of the park and back to the car, we had fun goofing off.

It was Collin's idea to show our butts....I promise!

This is as funny as we could get at this point

We stopped to pick up a stuffed animal that we promised he could have.  He talked about Elmo both days but when it came down to it, it took him 20 minutes to decide between Elmo and a really soft whale.  I am sure it was a tough decision because the whale was so soft.  He did end up picking out a small Elmo which he slept with on the way home.

We had so much fun that I am sure we will be back again.

A great weekend must come to an end