Thursday, December 20, 2012

Library Book - In Collin's Name

Earlier in the year, all of the kids in Collin's class were challenged to have books read to them for at least 15 minutes a night for 6 weeks.  It was easy for us to do because I have been reading to Collin since even before he was born.  Once he was born, I started to read to him the day we brought him home.  The 15 minutes goes by fast.  At the end of each week, we turned in a card that showed the books we read and the total time.  He would bring home a small prize for this like a sticker, book mark, etc.  I thought that was all he would get ... but it did not matter because we did not need any incentive to read.

Each Monday, he brings home a book from the library that he or the teacher picks out.  We get to keep it for the week and then turn in back in the following Monday so he can bring home another book.  This Monday, he brought home a cool book about a little boy that draws all the time.  It reminded me of the other book we like Harold and the Purple Crayon.  When I opened the cover of the book, I noticed that the sticker on the inside of the book had Collin's name on it.  I showed it to Collin and he had a HUGE grin on his face because he full name was in the book.  Here is what the sticker looks like:

Looks like the biggest prize for all of that reading was he got a book donated to the library in his name.  How cool is that?

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