Monday, March 21, 2011


Collin is still sleeping in Pull Up diapers at night.  He sleeps so hard that he does not get up in the middle of the night to go potty if he needs to.  We have tried to limit the liquid he drinks in the evenings and that has not helped.  However, in the last few weeks, we have noticed that at least 2 - 3 days a week, he does wake up with a dry diaper compared to a heavy, soaked one everyday.  To help with him having a dry diaper, we don't want him to have a sippie cup with him in his room at night either.  He had a bad cough a few weeks back and we let him have water to drink to help him with his dry cough.  Now, he asks for one almost every night.  There have been several nights that I tell him I will go get one and he falls asleep before I get back because I purposely take my time to get back to him. 

Sometimes, I do get "caught" not coming back.  He gets out of bed and comes to the living to tell me "I told you that I wanted some water".  I am usually working on the computer or even typing a post to his blog when I am "caught".  Tonight, he asked for water but I knew he was TIRED from me wearing his butt out at an indoor jumping place (that was the whole idea!) so I was really hoping he had fallen asleep.  I wanted a snack and had just popped some popcorn and sat down on the couch with the computer.  He did come out and said "I told Mommy that I wanted some water and she did not come back!".  I brought the water to him and he said "Don't eat all of the popcorn because I want to share some with you".  I said that he could not eat it now and he said "well, then I can eat it later with you tomorrow.  Save some for me".  I had no idea how much he liked popcorn....or he wanted to talk to keep me in his room more.  It was probably the later.  I guess I will have to wait and see if he asks for it tomorrow morning. 

1 comment:

Momma Petersen said...

We miss you, Collin! And your parents......xoxo