Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"I'm not choking anymore, Mommy"

I don't know all of the details but Daddy did an amazing job taking care of Collin last night.  After he was picked up from school, Collin was not feeling well.  They either went to Tae Kwon Do for a little bit or did not go at all because Collin told Daddy that his tummy hurt.  Now....every time that Collin has said this he has 1) gotten sick and 2) thrown up on or near Daddy.....so, when Daddy hears that Collin's tummy hurts....he moves into action.  They went home and laid on the futon in the playroom while watching TV.  At some point, Collin did throw up, or choke as he calls it, in the playroom.  After cleaning it up and getting Collin a drink of apple juice, Daddy sat there on the futon while Collin went in and out of sleep waiting for me to get home.  When I did, I took over for Daddy so he could take a break.  Collin woke up a little just to see that I was there and then went back to sleep.

Later, he woke up again and figured out his shirt was wet....from his drink...and wanted it changed right away.  I brought in another shirt but it was not the right one. He apparently wanted the Spiderman shirt which I went to get.  How was I supposed to know?  After changing his shirt, pants and putting on a pull-up diaper, he went back to sleep and was snoring in about 20 minutes.  I sat there and worked on the computer because the TV hurt his eyes to be on.  As I was sitting there, I discovered he grinds his teeth.  I cringed at the sound of it and also thought that must be what I sound like because I do it too.  One more trait I passed along to my child.  Sorry Collin!

He slept solid from 8pm until 5am, was up for about 45 minutes and then got up again after 7am.  He is already feeling better this morning.  Mimi is at the house watching him.  Daddy will come home early to relieve Mimi and I will be home later.  Too bad I have to file some tax return extensions today or I would be home all day with the little guy.

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