Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"I need ice Mommy for my ankle"

Collin is fine.....a little dramatic but fine. Daddy hurt his knee playing kickball on Sunday with the boys on our block. That night after working and standing all day at the bike shop, he put an ice pack on his knee.

If you read the other blog entry by now, Collin announced that he needed an ice pack for his knee because he hurt it running. I thought he might mention this again tonight because I knew that Daddy was going to need another ice pack treatment. When Daddy asked if I could get him an ice pack, I got Collin one too. This time, his ankle hurt. Here are some pictures of him using the ice pack and looking like he is suffering. He really pulled out the sympathy card for this one! He did not lay there long because the ice pack was cold. He told me it was because "I feel better already. The ice worked".

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