Saturday, October 30, 2010

First Field Trip

Friday morning, Collin got to go on his first school field trip to Dewberry Farms. Daddy went as a chaperon which Collin really liked. Another first was that he got to ride on a school bus. Here he is with one of his school mates. Daddy said he did really good on the bus.

While they were there, they:

Played on a playground

Road in a trailer pulled water barrel converted into a riding car

Jumped on a bouncy floor

Picked out pumpkins

Climbed in a three-story play house

Looked at the animal farm

Daddy did a great job watching the kids he was in charge of. He had so much fun that he wants to do it every time. Ms. Kristine said that he is welcomed back any time as a chaperon because of the job he did.

Most of the kids, including Collin, fell asleep on the way home......Daddy did too.

Later that night, Grandma H arrived on an airplane to stay for the weekend. Collin fell asleep in the car on the way to get her (around 7:45pm) and did not wake up until briefly when we got home.....just long enough for me to put a pull-up on him. He slept the next morning until after 7am. That was one tired dude!

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