Sunday, June 27, 2010

Juan's Birthday Party

Today was another birthday celebration for a buddy at from Collin's school, Juan, who turned three. Juan is a name we hear a lot when we ask what Collin did at school.....either good or bad, at least according to Collin. For instance, "what did you do at school today Collin?" He will mention something about the time-out chair and I will ask what happened. "Juanito hit me". Hmmm....did Collin hit Juanito? Who really knows at this age. The foursome (see an older post) is Nicho, Collin, Juanito and Benjamin. I am sure they keep the teacher busy during the day.

The party was held at the local Gymboree. Daddy was able to join us for the celebration and gladly participated in the activities that they had planned. At first, Collin wanted to cling to us until the music started and all of the other kids gathered on the mat to dance. He then started to have a great time. He really liked:

  • Jumping on the top of a padded rolled log looking thing...technical term, I know (see the video)

  • The parachute and popping the bubbles on the parachute (picture did not turn out great but you can see the smile and tell how much fun he was having)

  • Getting pulled along in the parachute to "Wheels on the Bus".

  • Popping out of a padded box and saying "boo" to scare the other kids (see the video). Remember, Collin and I do this all of the time....hiding and saying "boo" to each other. He usually starts it.

  • Being pulled along in a cart and acting like it was a train. Collin and Juan kept saying "choo choo" and laughed and giggled. They wore the mommy out because they wanted to "go around again".

Then, it was time for hot dogs and cake. Collin only ate the bun and had 2 juice boxes. No surprise there. The only time I have seen him eat cake it at his own birthday parties....and he did not even finish these. I was surprised that he did not at least want a bite of the hot dog.

He did have a great time. I am sure they will have something to talk about at school tomorrow.

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