Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bed time update

Collin has been listening to two books at night that he requests every night now. One is the Hungry Caterpillar and the other is Puff, the Magic Dragon. He usually sits next to me to listen while the CD is playing. I tell him "ding" so he knows when to turn the page since neither CD does this. I will then read a few other books, or as Collin calls it, I talk to the books. He will pick out a book and then tell me to talk to it instead of saying read it.

Tonight, he brought the book over to his bed and laid across his pillows to listen to the book. He did not know that he posed perfectly for a picture that I planned to send Daddy since he is out of town right now. Collin must have been enjoying the book because I was shocked he did not want to see the pictures like he usually does.

After reading, I turn out the lights, turn on a music CD and turn down his lamp light so that there is a faint glow. Then I sit next to his bed and sing him a few songs. His favorites are: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Bingo the Dog, and the song Mimi wrote for him. Then, I give him a kiss and tell him that I love him, sleep tight and that I will see him in the morning. In return, he will kiss me, tell me "see you at night" (which I think means sleep tight) and then sometimes tell me "go to your room" before he rolls over to go to sleep.

1 comment:

Angy said...

Very cute!! What an avid little reader!