Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eating and Reading before Bed?

Collin is now used to me letting him know the number of books he can pick out to read before he goes to bed. Most of the time, I tell him 4 or 5 books depending on what time it is or how tired I think he is. I tell him more if I think it's going to take longer for him to wind down. Tonight, he picked out his books, put them on my lap and told me that he picked 5 books and then counted them, 1,2,3,4,5. I had not told him a number yet but was happy to see that he made this decision for himself.

The last book I read to him involved him acting out what the animals in the book were doing. For instance, it said something like "The penguin can move his head, can you do it?" Collin usually does what the animal is doing. Not tonight. He replied "my mouth is full of food so I cannot do it". Huh? What does that have to do with not being able to move his head. I read the next page with the next animal move. He had the exact same response. This went on for the entire book. I guess what he really meant was "I don't feel like doing it Mommy....and don't have to"

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