Monday, September 22, 2008

Hurricane Ike - Update #4

Still not power at home. After playing in the park yesterday, Collin and I stopped by the house to take car of the cats (I fed them while he chased after them to "pet" them and pull Chloe's tail) and to get more clothes for the week. Collin seemed to be really happy to be back at his house. As soon as I put him down, he immediately crawled up the first flight of stairs and turned around to see if I was following him. I did not plan on it because I needed to stop in my room first, but I headed up the stairs with Collin. As soon as he got to the second floor, he started climbing the stairs to his room. I guess he was missing it. When we got up there, I put him in his crib so he could play with his stuffed animals he had not seen in a week and so he could be in his bed. He laid down and put his head on his monkey. It was soooo cute. I could tell that he was happy to be there. I was trying to hurry though because it was 84 degrees in the house and both of us were starting to sweat. He was not too happy when I picked him back up out of his bed so I stood there a little while so he could watch his planes that I made "fly". He really liked that and he stopped crying.

We were told we are not expected to get power until Thursday or after. We will see.....

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