Friday, September 19, 2008

Five More Minutes Daddy!

Living with 3 teenagers in the house must be wearing Collin out. Normally during the week in the mornings, he will either wake up on his own or easily wake up when it's time to go. This morning, Collin did not wake up after both daddy and I got up and started getting ready for the day. Remember, he is sleeping in a pack n' play at the end of our bed. There was plenty of noise that should have woken him up. We even turned on the lights and this is what he looked like.....

I continued to get ready in the bathroom next to our room and even used the hair dryer. I thought for sure he would be awake by now. Nope....he still was sound asleep although he moved to a different spot. When I left for work, he was still in this same position. Poor guy. I will have to try to put him to bed a little earlier tonight.

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